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Growing up Hindu, PC 1152 places a high value on the pursuit of knowledge and truth. He believes in the importance of asking the question “why?”. This belief led him into pursuing a degree in physics at a Top 25 ranked school. In addition to being a slam dunk in the classroom, PC 1152 also plays basketball at the collegiate level (and yes, he can dunk!). Although PC 1152 declined to release photos of himself, it has been said that he resembles a young Keanu Reeves. PC 1152 also bears resemblance to a young Colin Hanks.
This donor completed additional genetic carrier screening that provides helpful information you can use for your family building journey! Donor PC 1152 was screened for 556 genetic conditions and was found to be a carrier for
• Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency, non-classic form; and
• Retinitis pigmentosa 25.
Please see PC 1152’s test results and Additional Agreement for more information, and simply sign the Additional Agreement for your selected donor when you place your order.